ホーム > 研究者紹介 >告知・成果・実績 森阪 匡通

森阪 匡通 特任講師


Yamamoto C, Morisaka T, Furuta K, Ishibashi T, Yoshida A, Taki M, Mori Y, Amano M (2015) Post-conflict affiliation as conflict management in captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Scientific Reports 5: 14275.
Mishima Y, Morisaka T, Itoh M, Matsuo I, Sakaguchi A, Miyamoto Y (2015) Individuality embedded in the isolation calls of captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Zoological Letters 1: 27.
Morisaka T, Sakai M, Kogi K, Hama H (in press) A simple, non-invasive measurement method is important for conserving large animals underwater. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing
Morisaka T, Sakai M, Kogi K (2015) Detection of the nighttime distribution of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) around Mikura Island with stationed acoustic buoys. Bulletin of Institute of Oceanic Research and Development,Tokai University 36: 1-7.
Yoshida, YM, Morisaka T, Sakai M, Iwasaki M, Wakabayashi I, Seko A, Kasamatsu M, Kohshima S (2014). Sound variation and function in captive Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii). Behavioural Processes 108: 11–19.
Yamamoto C, Furuta K, Taki M, Morisaka T (2014). Captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) spontaneously using water flow to manipulate objects. PLoS ONE 9: e107796.
Gridley T, Cockcroft VG, Hawkins ER, Blewitt ML, Morisaka T, Janik V (2014) Signature whistles in free-ranging populations of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus. Marine Mammal Science, Marine Mammal Science, 30(2):512-527
Sakai M, Morisaka T, Iwasaki M, Yoshida Y, Wakabayashi I, Seko A, Kasamatsu M, Kohshima S (2013) Mother–calf interactions and social behavior development in Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii). Journal of Ethology 31: 305-313.
Morisaka T, Sakai M, Kogi K, Nakasuji A, Sakakibara K, Kasanuki Y, Yoshioka M (2013) Spontaneous ejaculation in a wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). PLoS One 8: e72879
Morisaka T, Yoshida Y, Akune Y, Mishima H, Nishimoto S (2013) Exchange of “signature” calls in captive belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). Journal of Ethology 31:141-149
Kot BW, Morisaka T, Sears R, Samuelson D, Marshall CD (2012) Low prevalence of visual impairment in a coastal population of gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Aquatic Mammals 38: 423-427
Sakai M, Karczmarski L, Morisaka T, Thornton M (2011) Reactions of Heaviside's dolphins to tagging attempts using remotely-deployed suction-cup tags. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 41:134-138
Morisaka T, Karczmarski L, Akamatsu T, Sakai M, Dawson S, Thornton M (2011) Echolocation signals of Heaviside's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129:449-457
Sakai M, Morisaka T, Kogi K, Hishii T, Kohshima S (2010) Fine-scale analysis of synchronous breathing in wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Behavioural Processes 83:48-53
Morisaka T, Okanoya K (2009) Cognitive tactics of Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) for song discrimination in a go/no-go operant task. Journal of Ethology 27:11-18
Morisaka T, Katahira K, Okanoya K (2008) Variability in preference for conspecific songs with syntactical complexity in female Bengalese Finches: towards an understanding of song evolution. Ornithological Science 7:75-84
Morisaka T, Connor RC (2007) Predation by killer whales (Orcinus orca) and the evolution of whistle loss and narrow-band high frequency clicks in odontocetes. Journal of Evolutional Biology 20:1439-58
Tamaki N, Morisaka T, Taki M (2006) Does body contact contribute towards repairing relationships? The association between flipper-rubbing and aggressive behavior in captive bottlenose dolphins. Behavioural Processes 73:209-215
Morisaka T, Shinohara M, Taki M (2005) Underwater sounds produced by neonatal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): I. Acoustic characteristics. Aquatic Mammals 31:248-257
Morisaka T, Shinohara M, Taki M (2005) Underwater sounds produced by neonatal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): II. Potential Function. Aquatic Mammals 31:258-265
Morisaka T, Shinohara M, Nakahara F, Akamatsu T (2005) Effects of ambient noise on the whistles of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin populations. Journal of Mammalogy 86:541-546
Morisaka T, Shinohara M, Nakahara F, Akamatsu T (2005) Geographic variations in the whistles among three Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus populations in Japan. Fisheries Science 71:568-576


森阪匡通(2015)イルカの音とその進化. 日本音響学会誌 71: 327-333.
森阪匡通, 酒井麻衣, 山本知里 (2015). イルカのケンカと仲直り行動. 情動の進化 -動物から人間へ- (菊水健史, 渡辺茂 編, 朝倉書店), 96-98.
門多真弥, 森阪匡通, 小木万布, 古田圭介, 亀崎直樹, 大矢大 (2015) イルカ介在療法のこれまでとこれから. 発達教育学研究 : 京都女子大学大学院発達教育学研究科博士後期課程研究紀要, 9: 43–51.
Morisaka T (2015). Juichi Yamagiwa, Leszek Karczmarski (eds): Primates and cetaceans: field research and conservation of complex mammalian societies. Primates 56: 101-103.
森阪匡通. (2015). 音の世界に生きるイルカ~彼らは何をかたりあっているか~. JAS ジャーナル, 55: 29–36.
門多真弥, 森阪匡通, 亀崎直樹, 大矢大(2014) アニマルセラピーとしての“イルカ療法” : イルカとのふれあいを通じて.発達教育学研究 : 京都女子大学大学院発達教育学研究科博士後期課程研究紀要, 8: 55–60.
友永雅己, 森阪匡通, 中原史生, 足立幾磨. (2014) 海のこころ,森のこころ―鯨類と霊長類の知性に関する比較認知科学―.哺乳類科学, 54: 103–106.
森阪匡通. (2014) イルカが「夢精」? 科学, 84: 733-735.
森阪匡通 [指導]、南俊夫 [写真] (2014) いるか. しぜん-キンダーブック8 月号. フレーベル館. 第43 集第5 編, 28pp.
森阪匡通. (2014). 鳥羽水のイルカたち. TSA, 66: 14–15.
森阪匡通, 酒井麻衣, 小木万布 (2013) イルカと泳ぐ〜適切な「イルカ観」と持続可能なイルカスイムに向けて. ヒトと動物の関係学会誌 35: 23-27
森阪匡通 (2013) 日本沿岸のミナミハンドウイルカの鳴音について. 月刊海洋 45: 282-287
森阪匡通, 関口雄祐, 白木原美紀, 篠原正典, 小木万布, 高縄奈々, 正木慶子, 森恭一, 筒井浩俊, 打込南友子, 酒井麻衣, 幸島司郎, 吉岡基 (2013) 伊豆鳥島のミナミハンドウイルカ. 月刊海洋 45: 232-238
森阪匡通, 白木原美紀, 中筋あかね, 中島幸一, 上野正博 (2013) 栗田湾に出現したミナミハンドウイルカ. 月刊海洋 45: 257-261
森阪匡通, 酒井麻衣, 小木万布, 久保田信, 亀崎直樹 (2011) 伊豆諸島御蔵島周辺海域で観察されたアオウミガメによるクラゲ捕食. うみがめニュースレター 89: 15-16
Morisaka T, Kohshima S, Yoshioka M, Suzuki M, Nakahara F (2010) Recent studies on captive cetaceans in Japan: Working in tandem with studies on cetaceans in the wild. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 23:644-663
Morisaka T (2009) Overview of comparative cognitive studies of dolphins in Japan. Japanese Psychological Research 51:168-176
Morisaka T (2007) Current cognitive studies on cetaceans. Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 57:41-51


森阪匡通 (2015). イルカの鳴音について. イルカ生態ビジュアル百科 (水口博也 編著, 誠文堂新光社), 172–175.
森阪匡通. (2015). シャチと鳴音を失ったイルカたちとの関係. シャチ生態ビジュアル百科 (誠文堂新光社), 164–169.
森阪匡通(2014) 動物行動学. 誠信心理学辞典. 誠信書房, 750-752.
村山司, 森阪匡通 (2012) ケトスの知恵 -イルカとクジラのサイエンス. 東海大学出版会, 212p
佐藤克文, 森阪匡通 (2013) サボリ上手な動物たち--海の中から新発見! 岩波科学ライブラリー、128p


1st International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (日本学術振興会先端研究拠点事業)(ブラジル・マナウス)にて口頭発表「Mikura Island: Rare field for underwater observation of wild dolphins」


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