Recruitment for Lecturer Position
(Marine Engineer Sciences)
May 2021
Tokai University
Be-One Office
Tokai University, established by founder, Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae in 1942, is a comprehensive university with 19 schools. Adapting the founder’s ideals, Tokai University has pursued innovation with harmonizing the sciences and the humanities. In line with the philosophy of founder on which Tokai University seeks infinite resources in the wide ocean, note seeking resources from the other countries, School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, was established at Shimizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1962.
From the establishment of School of Marine Science and Technology, Dept. of Marine Resource was set up for conducting education and researches on development and use of ocean resources. As to realize high level education and researches, the university owns the Research Training Vessel ‘‘Bosei Maru (about 2000t)’’ and two small research vessels, and utilizing various acoustic equipment such as multi narrow beam echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler, and side scan sonar, etc.
Tokai University seeks for a globally talented person who can utilize various equipment to derive researches further and specialize in structural geology and sedimentology having international research experiences.
Having these perspectives in the specialized fields, we are also seeking an excellent researcher who has broad research activities with research institutions such as JAMSTEC, AIST, AORI, and JOGMEC, and can contribute his/her international research in building a sustainable marine resource system to respond to the global environment.
The researcher to be recruited by The Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) Project will be tenured at the Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, Tokai University, considering the establishment of the new department, School of Marine Science and Technology in 2022.
Job type under this project is Lecturer, and it will be assigned the position after November 1, 2021 academic year.
The candidate will be screened and employed based on the procedure of “the Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER)” by MEXT.
You are requested to submit application forms (Format #1, #2 Attached Format) to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through the website ( between 2021/05/28 to 2021/06/10 and also send them to Tokai University by June 10, 2021.
- Perform research activities based on the research application.
- Teach undergraduate and/or graduate school students, including overseas students.
- Supervise graduate students for their research, thesis.
- Publish research papers.
- Make presentations at academic meetings, including international conferences.
- Make efforts to obtain external research funding.
- Contribute to the activities of the IIST
- Commit symposiums sponsored or co-hosted by the Institute.
- Other services requested by the Institute
Research Field
Geology, Earth Science, Ocean Resources and Energy, Ocean Geology
Work Address
Tokai University, Shimizu Campus
3-20-1 Orido, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 424-8610 Japan
Job type / Number of positions
Lecturer / One Person
Assigned post
After November 1, 2021
Research Field
- Engineering Science
- Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences-related
Earth Resources, Resource Exploration Technology, Natural Resources and Energy, Resource Economics, Geomorphometry, Marine Geological Mapping
Available Position
Lecturer (Junior Associate Professor)
Employment status (Job type)
Full-Time (non—tenured ) Tenure Tracking Employment
Period of Tenure-track
Latter half of the FY 2021 – March 31, 2026
A tenure track researcher will be evaluated in mid-term performance in the 3rd FY or will be judged at the strict review at the review annually to be full-time tenured position, Lecturer, at the affiliated institution in the 5th year upon your own request.
Those who satisfy the final screening with excellent works, may discuss a full-time position starting in April, 2026.
Work location
Shizuoka Prefecture
Work Address
Tokai University, Shimizu Campus
3-20-1 Orido, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 424-8610 Japan
- he candidate who apply for ‘the Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) by MEXT. - The person who obtained our recommendation before a peer review for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) by MEXT.
Application period: 2021/05/10-2021/06/10 - This post requires “Advance notice” for negation among the parties.
Annual salary system
Payment will be made in accordance with the University’s rules and regulations.
Approximately 6,000,000 yen per year in case of tenured track position, Lecture (Non Doctor’s License), will be provided and will pay monthly with equal distribution of 12 months.
Enrolled in “Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan”
Research Support and Others
Up to 6,000,000 yen per annum as a research fund for two FY will be offered by the MEXT LEADER project. 2,000,000 yen as a research fund will be offered for the third FY, and it will be deducted 500,000 yen in every year from the amount of the fourth year.
- Office space: Provided appr. 36m2 and Core Research Facilities.
- 2. Supports: Offered by Mentor staffs (full-time teaching staff) or administrators.
Assistance available for female researchers.
Application Period
May 28, 2021 to June 10, 2021
* The application period for “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER)” is from 2021/05/10 to 2021/06/10.
Application Process
This recruitment is conducted by the Application Guidelines of “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER)” by MEXT
- For the applicant in the list of the LEADER project selected by MEXT, who will apply for the tenure track program of Tokai University, we will conduct the university’s own screening for employment (i.e., document review and interview and presentation) and then, negotiation among the parties will take place.
- The applicant is requested to submit application forms under the LEADER by MEXT to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through the website and also send them to Tokai University via e-mail.
- Application documents review (May-June, 2021)
- Interviews and presentations(schedule in July, 2021)
- Conduct in English. If the national language is English , the examination will be conducted in Japanese.
- Applicants who have obtained significant research funding for their research activities, ongoing or who are currently applying or are planning to apply, should make references to those research plans for the presentations.
- Each candidate will be informed of further details of interviews and presentations at a later date.
- Expenses for applicants stay, travel to Tokai University etc., must be paid by applicants themselves.
Application Documents
- Application Forms (format#1, #2): Forms submitted to MEXT.
The formats can be downloaded from LEADER Project, by MEXT.
( - If the applicant has performed research under project-based research fund or will propose a research project, a copy of the research plan must be submitted. (Duplicate copy or PDF format is also allowed.)
- Copies of three main papers.
- Additional documents may be requested during the selection process if necessary.
The documents submitted shall not be returned.
Please contact Tokai University, if you cannot send attachments by e-mail.
Application deadline
June 10, 2021
All documents must be submitted via e-mail to the TOKAI UNIVERSITY, Be-One Office(Research Promotion) by due date.
Email address:
Title of Email: Excellent Young Researchers
*Please provide “Excellent Young Researchers” in the subject line when sending application documents via email.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail Tokai University, Be-One Office(Research Promotion).
Tokai University, Research Promotion Division (Excellent Young Researchers)
4-1-1 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa 259-1292 JAPAN
Phone: +81-463-50-2532
Facsimile: +81-463-50-2478
Excellent Young Researchers
This is a post of the “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER)” program of MEXT, Japan (Post No. 21A0000).
The Excellent young researcher candidates or applicants should follow the application method described above.
※Reference: The post list of LEADER program
These open recruitments the first conditions are that the applicant be adopted by the LEADER project by MEXT.
If the negotiations between the parties are completed to Tokai University but not adopted by LEADER project by MEXT, it will be rejected.