Postdoctoral researcher in the area of dynamical systems
/ ergodic theory / probability and stochastics
February 2023
Tokai University
Be-One Office
Tokai University, established by founder, Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae in 1942, is a comprehensive university with 23 schools. Adapting the founder’s ideals, Tokai University has pursued innovation with harmonizing the sciences and the humanities.
The Research Institute of Science and Technology of the Tokai University offers a postdoctoral position in mathematics (ergodic theory and related fields) starting on 1 April 2023 or by agreement. The contract will be initially effective until March 2024, after which it may be renewed on a yearly basis until March 2027.
The successful candidate will work with Dr. Juho Leppänen (Senior Lecture), with possible collaborations with Prof. Shin Kiriki and Dr. Yushi Nakano (Senior Lecture).
Research Field
Mathematical and physical science - Mathematics
Applicants should have a background in Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems, or Probability, and research interests that overlap with those of Leppänen, which include:
- Limit laws for uniformly/non-uniformly hyperbolic systems, and other related weakly dependent random processes;
- Statistical properties of intermittent, non-autonomous, and random dynamical systems;
- Response theory, i.e. the stability of statistical properties
Work Address
Tokai University, Syonan Campus, Department of Mathematics,
4-1-1 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1292 Japan
Job type / Number of positions
Postdoctoral researcher / One Person
Assigned post
April, 2023
Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems, or Probability
Employment status (Job type)
Full-Time (non-tenured) Researcher/Postdoc level
Work location
Kanagawa Prefecture
PhD completed, or anticipated completion in the proximate future.
Approximately 350,000 yen / month
Research Support and Others
There will be some funding for travel and other research expenses.
Application Period
The day post opened to September 30, 2023
* The application will be closed as soon as the candidates are decided.
Application Process/Documents
Please submit your application at your earliest convenience as a single PDF file through the Online Submission System. Your application should include the following information in either English or Japanese:
- A few lines about yourself and when you would like to start
- Resume and publication list
- A description of your past and planned research within 2 pages (*)
- Contact information of two references
(*) Applicants who have not yet completed their PhD are requested to include their expected graduation date in their resume, and an additional page explaining their up-to-date research progress in more detail.
Selection will be based on application screening and an oral interview, which can be taken remotely. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found.
Application Deadline
All documents must be submitted via e-mail to the below address by due date.
Email address:leppanen(at)
* Change (at) to “@”
Should you have any questions, please e-mail.
E-mail:leppanen(at) * Change (at) to “@”