ホーム > 研究者紹介 >告知・成果・実績 細田 徹

細田 徹 特任准教授


Hayashi E, Cho Y, Inoue M, Murakami T, Hosoda T.
The characterization of cardiac stem cells obtained from patients who have received left ventriculoplasty.
Stem Cell Transl Invest. 2015; 2(1):e537-40.
Cho Y, Hosoda T, Tashiro R, Shimura S, Tanaka C, Ueda T.
Internal mammary arterio-cardiac venous shunt enhances angiogenesis of bone marrow mononuclear cells in swine.
Exp Clin Cardiol. 2014; in press.
Signore S, Sorrentino A, Ferreira-Martins J, Kannappan R, Shafaie M, Del Ben F, Isobe K, Arranto C, Wybieralska E, Webster A, Sanada F, Ogorek B, Zheng H, Liu X, Del Monte F, D'Alessandro DA, Wunimenghe O, Michler RE, Hosoda T, Goichberg P, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Rota M.
Response to letter regarding article "inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors and human left ventricular myocytes".
Circulation. 2014 May 27;129(21):e510-1.
Sanada F, Kim J, Czarna A, Chan NY, Signore S, Ogorek B, Isobe K, Wybieralska EW, Borghetti G, Pesapane A, Sorrentino A, Mangano EN, Cappetta D, Mangiaracina CM, Ricciardi M, Cimini M, Ifedigbo E, Perrella MA, Goichberg P, Choi AM, Kajstura J, Hosoda T, Rota M, Anversa P, Leri A.
c-kit-positive cardiac stem cells nested in hypoxic niches are activated by stem cell factor reversing the aging myopathy.
Circ Res. 2014 Jan 3;114(1):41-55.
Signore S, Sorrentino A, Ferreira-Martins J, Kannappan R, Shafaie M, Del Ben F, Isobe K, Arranto C, Wybieralska E, Webster A, Sanada F, Ogorek B, Zheng H, Liu X, Del Monte F, D'Alessandro DA, Wunimenghe O, Michler RE, Hosoda T, Goichberg P, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Rota M.
Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors and human left ventricular myocytes.
Circulation. 2013 Sep 17;128(12):1286-97.
Dey D, Han L, Bauer M, Sanada F, Oikonomopoulos A, Hosoda T, Unno K, De Almeida P, Leri A, Wu JC.
Dissecting the molecular relationship among various cardiogenic progenitor cells.
Circ Res. 2013 Apr 26;112(9):1253-62.
Kajstura J, Bai Y, Cappetta D, Kim J, Arranto C, Sanada F, D'Amario D, Matsuda A, Bardelli S, Ferreira-Martins J, Hosoda T, Leri A, Rota M, Loscalzo J, Anversa P.
Tracking chromatid segregation to identify human cardiac stem cells that regenerate extensively the infarcted myocardium.
Circ Res. 2012 Sep 14;111(7):894-906.
Ferreira-Martins J, Ogorek B, Cappetta D, Matsuda A, Signore S, D'Amario D, Kostyla J, Steadman E, Ide-Iwata N, Sanada F, Iaffaldano G, Ottolenghi S, Hosoda T, Anversa P, Leri A, Kajstura J, Rota M.
Cardiomyogenesis in the developing heart is regulated by c-kit-positive cardiac stem cells.
Circ Res. 2012 Mar 2;110(5):701-15.
Kajstura J, Rota M, Hosoda T, Anversa P, Leri A.
Response to Bergmann et al: Carbon 14 Birth Dating of Human Cardiomyocytes.
Circ Res. 2012 Jan 6;110(1):e19-e21.
Bolli R, Chugh AR, D'Amario D, Loughran JH, Stoddard MF, Ikram S, Beache GM, Wagner SG, Leri A, Hosoda T, Sanada F, Elmore JB, Goichberg P, Cappetta D, Solankhi NK, Fahsah I, Rokosh DG, Slaughter MS, Kajstura J, Anversa P.
Cardiac stem cells in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy (SCIPIO):
initial results of a randomized phase 1 trial.
Lancet. 2011 Nov 26;378(9806):1847-57.
Hosoda T, Zheng H, Cabral-da-Silva MC, Sanada F, Ide-Iwata N, Ogorek B, Ferreira-Martins J, Arranto C, D'Amario D, Del Monte F, Urbanek K, D'Alessandro DA, Michler RE, Anversa P, Rota M, Kajstura J, Leri A.
Response to letter regarding article, “Human cardiac stem cell differentiation is regulated by a mircrine mechanism”.
Circulation. 2011 Oct 25;124(17):e457.
Cesselli D, Beltrami AP, D'Aurizio F, Marcon P, Bergamin N, Toffoletto B, Pandolfi M, Puppato E, Marino L, Signore S, Livi U, Verardo R, Piazza S, Marchionni L, Fiorini C, Schneider C, Hosoda T, Rota M, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Beltrami CA, Leri A.
Effects of age and heart failure on human cardiac stem cell function.
Am J Pathol. 2011 Jul;179(1):349-66.
D'Amario D, Cabral-Da-Silva MC, Zheng H, Fiorini C, Goichberg P, Steadman E, Ferreira-Martins J, Sanada F, Piccoli M, Cappetta D, D'Alessandro DA, Michler RE, Hosoda T, Anastasia L, Rota M, Leri A, Anversa P, Kajstura J. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor identifies a pool of human cardiac stem cells with superior therapeutic potential for myocardial regeneration.
Circ Res. 2011 Jun 10;108(12):1467-81.
Kajstura J, Rota M, Hall SR, Hosoda T, D'Amario D, Sanada F, Zheng H, Ogorek B, Rondon-Clavo C, Ferreira-Martins J, Matsuda A, Arranto C, Goichberg P, Giordano G, Haley KJ, Bardelli S, Rayatzadeh H, Liu X, Quaini F, Liao R, Leri A, Perrella MA, Loscalzo J, Anversa P.
Evidence for human lung stem cells.
N Engl J Med. 2011 May 12;364(19):1795-806.
Goichberg P, Bai Y, D'Amario D, Ferreira-Martins J, Fiorini C, Zheng H, Signore S, del Monte F, Ottolenghi S, D'Alessandro DA, Michler RE, Hosoda T, Anversa P, Kajstura J, Rota M, Leri A.
The ephrin A1-EphA2 system promotes cardiac stem cell migration after infarction.
Circ Res. 2011 Apr 29;108(9):1071-83.
D'Amario D, Fiorini C, Campbell PM, Goichberg P, Sanada F, Zheng H, Hosoda T, Rota M, Connell JM, Gallegos RP, Welt FG, Givertz MM, Mitchell RN, Leri A, Kajstura J, Pfeffer MA, Anversa P.
Functionally competent cardiac stem cells can be isolated from endomyocardial biopsies of patients with advanced cardiomyopathies.
Circ Res. 2011 Apr 1;108(7):857-61.
Hosoda T*, Zheng H, Cabral-da-Silva M, Sanada F, Ide-Iwata N, Ogorek B, Ferreira-Martins J, Arranto C, D'Amario D, del Monte F, Urbanek K, D'Alessandro DA, Michler RE, Anversa P, Rota M, Kajstura J, Leri A*.
Human cardiac stem cell differentiation is regulated by a mircrine mechanism.
Circulation. 2011 Mar 29;123(12):1287-96.
(*: corresponding author)
Kajstura J, Gurusamy N, Ogorek B, Goichberg P, Clavo-Rondon C, Hosoda T, D'Amario D, Bardelli S, Beltrami AP, Cesselli D, Bussani R, del Monte F, Quaini F, Rota M, Beltrami CA, Buchholz BA, Leri A, Anversa P.
Myocyte turnover in the aging human heart.
Circ Res. 2010 Nov 26;107(11):1374-86.
Urbanek K, Cabral-da-Silva MC, Ide-Iwata N, Maestroni S, Delucchi F, Zheng H, Ferreira-Martins J, Ogorek B, D'Amario D, Bauer M, Zerbini G, Rota M, Hosoda T, Liao R, Anversa P, Kajstura J, Leri A.
Inhibition of notch1-dependent cardiomyogenesis leads to a dilated myopathy in the neonatal heart.
Circ Res. 2010 Aug 6;107(3):429-41.
Kajstura J, Urbanek K, Perl S, Hosoda T, Zheng H, Ogorek B, Ferreira-Martins J, Goichberg P, Rondon-Clavo C, Sanada F, D'Amario D, Rota M, Del Monte F, Orlic D, Tisdale J, Leri A, Anversa P.
Cardiomyogenesis in the adult human heart.
Circ Res. 2010 Jul 23;107(2):305-15.
De Angelis A, Piegari E, Cappetta D, Marino L, Filippelli A, Berrino L, Ferreira-Martins J, Zheng H, Hosoda T, Rota M, Urbanek K, Kajstura J, Leri A, Rossi F, Anversa P.
Anthracycline cardiomyopathy is mediated by depletion of the cardiac stem cell pool and is rescued by restoration of progenitor cell function.
Circulation. 2010 Jan 19;121(2):276-92.
D'Alessandro DA, Kajstura J, Hosoda T, Gatti A, Bello R, Mosna F, Bardelli S, Zheng H, D'Amario D, Padin-Iruegas ME, Carvalho AB, Rota M, Zembala MO, Stern D, Rimoldi O, Urbanek K, Michler RE, Leri A, Anversa P.
Progenitor cells from the explanted heart generate immunocompatible myocardium within the transplanted donor heart.
Circ Res. 2009 Nov 20;105(11):1128-40.
Ferreira-Martins J, Rondon-Clavo C, Tugal D, Korn JA, Rizzi R, Padin-Iruegas ME, Ottolenghi S, De Angelis A, Urbanek K, Ide-Iwata N, D'Amario D, Hosoda T, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Rota M.
Spontaneous calcium oscillations regulate human cardiac progenitor cell growth.
Circ Res. 2009 Oct 9;105(8):764-74.
Hosoda T, D'Amario D, Cabral-Da-Silva MC, Zheng H, Padin-Iruegas ME, Ogorek B, Ferreira-Martins J, Yasuzawa-Amano S, Amano K, Ide-Iwata N, Cheng W, Rota M, Urbanek K, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Leri A.
Clonality of mouse and human cardiomyogenesis in vivo.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Oct 6;106(40):17169-74.
Bearzi C, Leri A, Lo Monaco F, Rota M, Gonzalez A, Hosoda T, Pepe M, Qanud K, Ojaimi C, Bardelli S, D'Amario D, D'Alessandro DA, Michler RE, Dimmeler S, Zeiher AM, Urbanek K, Hintze TH, Kajstura J, Anversa P.
Identification of a coronary vascular progenitor cell in the human heart.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Sep 15;106(37):15885-90.
Padin-Iruegas ME, Misao Y, Davis ME, Segers VF, Esposito G, Tokunou T, Urbanek K, Hosoda T, Rota M, Anversa P, Leri A, Lee RT, Kajstura J.
Cardiac progenitor cells and biotinylated insulin-like growth factor-1 nanofibers improve endogenous and exogenous myocardial regeneration after infarction.
Circulation. 2009 Sep 8;120(10):876-87.
Boni A, Urbanek K, Nascimbene A, Hosoda T, Zheng H, Delucchi F, Amano K, Gonzalez A, Vitale S, Ojaimi C, Rizzi R, Bolli R, Yutzey KE, Rota M, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Leri A.
Notch1 regulates the fate of cardiac progenitor cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 7;105(40):15529-34.
Rota M, Padin-Iruegas ME, Misao Y, De Angelis A, Maestroni S, Ferreira-Martins J, Fiumana E, Rastaldo R, Arcarese ML, Mitchell TS, Boni A, Bolli R, Urbanek K, Hosoda T, Anversa P, Leri A, Kajstura J.
Local activation or implantation of cardiac progenitor cells rescues scarred infarcted myocardium improving cardiac function.
Circ Res. 2008 Jul 3;103(1):107-16.
Siddiqi S, Gude N, Hosoda T, Muraski J, Rubio M, Emmanuel G, Fransioli J, Vitale S, Parolin C, D'Amario D, Schaefer E, Kajstura J, Leri A, Anversa P, Sussman MA.
Myocardial induction of nucleostemin in response to postnatal growth and pathological challenge.
Circ Res. 2008 Jul 3;103(1):89-97.
Gonzalez A, Rota M, Nurzynska D, Misao Y, Tillmanns J, Ojaimi C, Padin-Iruegas ME, Muller P, Esposito G, Bearzi C, Vitale S, Dawn B, Sanganalmath SK, Baker M, Hintze TH, Bolli R, Urbanek K, Hosoda T, Anversa P, Kajstura J, Leri A.
Activation of cardiac progenitor cells reverses the failing heart senescent phenotype and prolongs lifespan.
Circ Res. 2008 Mar 14;102(5):597-606.
Tillmanns J, Rota M, Hosoda T, Misao Y, Esposito G, Gonzalez A, Vitale S, Parolin C, Yasuzawa-Amano S, Muraski J, De Angelis A, Lecapitaine N, Siggins RW, Loredo M, Bearzi C, Bolli R, Urbanek K, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P.
Formation of large coronary arteries by cardiac progenitor cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Feb 5;105(5):1668-73.
Rota M, Kajstura J, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Vitale S, Esposito G, Iaffaldano G, Padin-Iruegas ME, Gonzalez A, Rizzi R, Small N, Muraski J, Alvarez R, Chen X, Urbanek K, Bolli R, Houser SR, Leri A, Sussman MA, Anversa P.
Bone marrow cells adopt the cardiomyogenic fate in vivo.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Nov 6;104(45):17783-8.
Bearzi C, Rota M, Hosoda T, Tillmanns J, Nascimbene A, De Angelis A, Yasuzawa-Amano S, Trofimova I, Siggins RW, Lecapitaine N, Cascapera S, Beltrami AP, D'Alessandro DA, Zias E, Quaini F, Urbanek K, Michler RE, Bolli R, Kajstura J, Leri A, Anversa P.
Human cardiac stem cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 28;104(35):14068-73.
Rota M, Hosoda T, De Angelis A, Arcarese ML, Esposito G, Rizzi R, Tillmanns J, Tugal D, Musso E, Rimoldi O, Bearzi C, Urbanek K, Anversa P, Leri A, Kajstura J.
The young mouse heart is composed of myocytes heterogeneous in age and function.
Circ Res. 2007 Aug 17;101(4):387-99.
Chen X, Wilson RM, Kubo H, Berretta RM, Harris DM, Zhang X, Jaleel N, MacDonnell SM, Bearzi C, Tillmanns J, Trofimova I, Hosoda T, Mosna F, Cribbs L, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Houser SR.
Adolescent feline heart contains a population of small, proliferative ventricular myocytes with immature physiological properties.
Circ Res. 2007 Mar 2;100(4):536-44.
Rota M, LeCapitaine N, Hosoda T, Boni A, De Angelis A, Padin-Iruegas ME, Esposito G, Vitale S, Urbanek K, Casarsa C, Giorgio M, Luscher TF, Pelicci PG, Anversa P, Leri A, Kajstura J.
Diabetes promotes cardiac stem cell aging and heart failure, which are prevented by deletion of the p66shc gene.
Circ Res. 2006 Jul 7;99(1):42-52.
Urbanek K, Cesselli D, Rota M, Nascimbene A, De Angelis A, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Boni A, Bolli R, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Leri A.
Stem cell niches in the adult mouse heart.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jun 13;103(24):9226-31.
Monzen K*, Hosoda T*, Hayashi D, Imai Y, Okawa Y, Kohro T, Uozaki H, Nishiyama T, Fukayama M, Nagai R.
The use of a supercooling refrigerator improves the preservation of organ grafts.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Nov 18;337(2):534-9.
(*: contributed equally)
Urbanek K, Rota M, Cascapera S, Bearzi C, Nascimbene A, De Angelis A, Hosoda T, Chimenti S, Baker M, Limana F, Nurzynska D, Torella D, Rotatori F, Rastaldo R, Musso E, Quaini F, Leri A, Kajstura J, Anversa P.
Cardiac stem cells possess growth factor-receptor systems that after activation regenerate the infarcted myocardium, improving ventricular function and long-term survival.
Circ Res. 2005 Sep 30;97(7):663-73.
Kajstura J, Rota M, Whang B, Cascapera S, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Nurzynska D, Kasahara H, Zias E, Bonafe M, Nadal-Ginard B, Torella D, Nascimbene A, Quaini F, Urbanek K, Leri A, Anversa P.
Bone marrow cells differentiate in cardiac cell lineages after infarction independently of cell fusion.
Circ Res. 2005 Jan 7;96(1):127-37.
Monzen K, Zhu W, Kasai H, Hiroi Y, Hosoda T, Akazawa H, Zou Y, Hayashi D, Yamazaki T, Nagai R, Komuro I.
Dual effects of the homeobox transcription factor Csx/Nkx2-5 on cardiomyocytes.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002 Nov 8;298(4):493-500.
Ikeda Y, Hiroi Y, Hosoda T, Utsunomiya T, Matsuo S, Ito T, Inoue J, Sumiyoshi T, Takano H, Nagai R, Komuro I.
Novel point mutation in the cardiac transcription factor CSX/NKX2.5 associated with congenital heart disease.
Circ J. 2002 Jun;66(6):561-3.
Hosoda T, Monzen K, Hiroi Y, Oka T, Takimoto E, Yazaki Y, Nagai R, Komuro I.
A novel myocyte-specific gene Midori promotes the differentiation of P19CL6 cells into cardiomyocytes.
J Biol Chem. 2001 Sep 21;276(38):35978-89.
Monzen K, Hiroi Y, Kudoh S, Akazawa H, Oka T, Takimoto E, Hayashi D, Hosoda T, Kawabata M, Miyazono K, Ishii S, Yazaki Y, Nagai R, Komuro I.
Smads, TAK1, and their common target ATF-2 play a critical role in cardiomyocyte differentiation.
J Cell Biol. 2001 May 14;153(4):687-98.
Hiroi Y, Chen R, Sawa H, Hosoda T, Kudoh S, Kobayashi Y, Aburatani H, Nagashima K, Nagai R, Yazaki Y, Medof ME, Komuro I.
Cloning of murine glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor attachment protein, GPAA1.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2000 Jul;279(1):C205-12.
Monzen K, Shiojima I, Hiroi Y, Kudoh S, Oka T, Takimoto E, Hayashi D, Hosoda T, Habara-Ohkubo A, Nakaoka T, Fujita T, Yazaki Y, Komuro I.
Bone morphogenetic proteins induce cardiomyocyte differentiation through the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase TAK1 and cardiac transcription factors Csx/Nkx-2.5 and GATA-4.
Mol Cell Biol. 1999 Oct;19(10):7096-105.
Hosoda T, Komuro I, Shiojima I, Hiroi Y, Harada M, Murakawa Y, Hirata Y, Yazaki Y.
Familial atrial septal defect and atrioventricular conduction disturbance associated with a point mutation in the cardiac homeobox gene CSX/NKX2-5 in a Japanese patient.
Jpn Circ J. 1999 May;63(5):425-6.
Hiroi Y, Komuro I, Matsushita I, Aburatani H, Hosoda T, Nakahori Y, Medof ME, Yazaki Y.
Assignment of the human GPAA1 gene, which encodes a product required for the attachment of glycosylphosphatidylinositols to proteins, at 8q24.
Genomics. 1998 Dec 1;54(2):354-5.
Hiroi Y, Komuro I, Chen R, Hosoda T, Mizuno T, Kudoh S, Georgescu SP, Medof ME, Yazaki Y.
Molecular cloning of human homolog of yeast GAA1 which is required for attachment of glycosylphosphatidylinositols to proteins.
FEBS Lett. 1998 Jan 16;421(3):252-8.
日本老年医学会雑誌. (1995年10月) 32巻10号670-4頁.


Hayashi E, Hosoda T.
How do resident stem cells repair the damaged myocardium?
World J Stem Cells. 2015 Jan 26;7(1):182-5.
Leri A, Rota M, Hosoda T, Goichberg P, Anversa P.
Cardiac stem cell niches.
Stem Cell Res. 2014 Nov;13(3):631-46.
Hayashi E, Hosoda T.
Myocyte renewal and therapeutic myocardial regeneration using various
progenitor cells.

Heart Fail Rev. 2014 Nov;19(6):789-97.
Hosoda T.
Myocardial repair by resident stem cells; the potential mechanism of action.
J Cardiol Ther. 2014 Aug 10;1(7): 150-3.
林 恵美子、細田 徹.
medicina. 2014 Apr;51(4): 718-21.
Hosoda T.
Clinical application of cardiac stem cells.
Cell Biol: Res Ther. 2013 Nov;S1:ID 1567, 2 pages.
Hosoda T.
The mircrine mechanism controlling cardiac stem cell fate.
Front Genet. 2013 Oct 10;4:204.
Hayashi E, Hosoda T.
Therapeutic application of cardiac stem cells and other cell types.
Biomed Res Int. 2013 Jun;2013:ID 736815, 6 pages.
林 恵美子、細田 徹.
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林 恵美子、田中千陽、細田 徹.
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林 恵美子、細田 徹.
血管医学. 2013 Mar;14(1):77-84.
細田 徹.
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Hosoda T.
Editorial: The Heart heals itself.
Anatom Physiol. 2012 Jan;2(1):e112.
Hosoda T.
c-kit-positive cardiac stem cells and myocardial regeneration.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis. 2012 Jan 1;2(1):58-67.
Leri A, Hosoda T, Kajstura J, Anversa P, Rota M.
Identification of a coronary stem cell in the human heart.
J Mol Med (Berl). 2011 Oct;89(10):947-59.
Hosoda T, Rota M, Kajstura J, Leri A, Anversa P.
Role of stem cells in cardiovascular biology.
J Thromb Haemost. 2011 Jul;9 Suppl 1:151-61.
細田 徹.
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Hosoda T, Kajstura J, Leri A, Anversa P.
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Kajstura J, Urbanek K, Rota M, Bearzi C, Hosoda T, Bolli R, Anversa P, Leri A.
Cardiac stem cells and myocardial disease.
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Kajstura J, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Rota M, Maestroni S, Urbanek K, Leri A, Anversa P.
The human heart: a self-renewing organ.
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細田 徹.
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Leri A, Hosoda T, Rota M, Kajstura J, Anversa P.
Myocardial Regeneration by Exogenous and Endogenous Progenitor Cells.
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Anversa P, Leri A, Rota M, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Urbanek K, Kajstura J, Bolli R.
Concise review: stem cells, myocardial regeneration, and methodological artifacts.
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Kajstura J, Rota M, Urbanek K, Hosoda T, Bearzi C, Anversa P, Bolli R, Leri A.
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Heart failure and regenerative cardiology.
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Myocardial aging--a stem cell problem.
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細田 徹.
再生医療用語ハンドブック. (日本再生医療学会、メディカルトリビューン) 2015 Jan 26;7(1):182-5.
Leri A, Rota M, Hosoda T, Anversa P.
Cellular basis for myocardial regeneration and repair.
In: Mann DL, Felker MG. Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 3rd Edition. (Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA) 2014;p.42-61.
細田 徹.
再生医療事業の課題解決のための手引書. (技術情報協会) 2013; p.441-7.
Leri A, Boni A, Siggins R, Nascimbene A, Hosoda T.
Cardiac stem cells and their niches.
In: Leri A, Anversa P, Frishman WH. Cardiovascular Regeneration and Stem Cell Therapy. (Blackwell Futura, Malden, MA) 2007;p.87-94.
細田 徹、山崎 力.
シミュレイション内科 高血圧を探る. (永井書店) 2003;p.213-6


第5回Translational Bioinformatics Conference年次集会(ベルサール西新宿)にて基調講演「Translational Perspectives of Cardiac Regenerative Medicine」
第5回Molecular Cardiovascular Conference II(神戸、兵庫)にてポスター発表「増殖分化因子GDF11は心臓幹細胞の増殖を促進する」
欧州心臓学会議(バルセロナ、スペイン)にてポスター発表「GDF11 enhances proliferation of human cardiac stem cells.」
第137回 姫路循環器研究会 学術講演会(姫路市医師会館、兵庫)にて招待講演「心臓幹細胞による心不全治療」
第111回 日本内科学会総会(東京国際フォーラム)にてポスター発表「心臓の若返り因子GDF11は、内因性心臓幹細胞の増殖を促進する」
第78回 日本循環器学会学術集会(東京国際フォーラム)のシンポジウムにて講演「The Most Promising Cell Therapy for the Failing Heart and its Application in Japan」
第17回 日本心血管内分泌代謝学会学術総会(千里ライフサイエンスセンター、大阪)にて座長及び招待講演「第三世代心臓幹細胞の同定と臨床応用」
第4回Molecular Cardiovascular Conference II(キロロ、北海道)にてポスター発表「第三世代ヒト心臓幹細胞による心不全治療」
第77回 日本循環器学会学術集会(パシフィコ横浜、神奈川)のプレナリーセッションにて英語講演「The Third-Generation Cardiac Stem Cells Defined by Asymmetric Chromatid Segregation and “Mircrine” Mechanism Contributing to Myocardial Regeneration」
第13回Vascular and Brain Conference(大阪帝国ホテル)にて基調講演「心臓幹細胞による心不全治療」
第8回 総合医学研究所 研修会(湯河原、神奈川)にて講演「心臓幹細胞が形作る未来」
第51回 幹細胞治療研究フォーラム(東京大学医科学研究所)にて招待講演「心臓幹細胞による心不全治療」
第45回 M&Bホスピタル・ソリューション会(NTT西日本本社、大阪)にて招待講演「心臓幹細胞が形作る未来」
新宿Cardiovascular Seminar (榊原記念病院、東京)にて招待講演「心血管再生医療の臨床応用」
ボストン日本人研究者交流会(Cambridge, MA, USA)にて講演「Say hello to 心臓幹細胞」
第76回 日本循環器学会学術集会(福岡)にて英語講演「“Second-Generation” Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy for the Failing Heart」
東北大学 循環器内科(仙台市、宮城)にて講演「 虚血性心疾患に対する心臓幹細胞治療 」
第28回 国際心臓研究会 日本部会学術集会 (学術総合センター、千代田区)にて英語招待講演「Myocardial regeneration utilizing “superior” cardiac stem cells」
第4回 Translational Research Conference (日本大学医学部、東京)にて特別講演「心臓幹細胞と再生」
第75回 日本循環器学会学術集会(パシフィコ横浜、神奈川)にて英語講演「Myocyte Turnover in the Adult Human Heart」
第23回 国際血栓止血学会学術集会(国際会議場、京都)にて英語講演「Two Distinct Subpopulations of Adult Human Cardiac Stem Cells Contribute to the Therapeutic Regeneration of the Failing Heart」
第24回 日本冠疾患学会 第14回 再灌流療法フォーラム(東京ステーションコンファレンス)にて特別講演「冠動脈の再生は可能か?」
榊原記念病院 定例講演会(府中市、東京)にて特別講演「心臓幹細胞と再生」
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター(目黒区、東京)にて特別講演「システムバイオロジーの視点から捉えた心臓」
東京大学医学部 老年病科(文京区、東京)にて特別講演「心臓幹細胞と再生」
第74回 日本循環器学会学術集会(国際会議場、京都)にて招待講演「Senescence of Myocyte Progenitor Cells and Cardiac Regeneration」
Presentation in English “Differentiation of Cardiac Progenitor Cells into Myocytes is Regulated by miR-499” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Orlando, FL, USA).
第10回 ニュー・ウェーブの会(Orlando, FL, USA)にて特別講演「心臓幹細胞を利用した心不全治療」
Invited Lecture in English “Cardiac stem cell and cardiovascular diseases” at the 3rd Oriental Congress of Cardiology (at Shanghai International Conference Center, China).
Japanese Researchers' Academic Network (JaRAN) (Boston, MA, USA)にて講演「心臓幹細胞を利用した心不全治療」
東京大学医学部 循環器内科(文京区、東京)にて講演「心臓幹細胞を利用した心不全治療」
東京大学医学部 老年病科(文京区、東京)にて特別講演「心臓幹細胞を利用した心不全治療」
Lecture in English “MicroRNA-499 Promotes the Differentiation of Cardiac Progenitor Cells into Myocytes” at the Biomedical Research Institute in the Brigham and Women's Hospital (at Boston, MA, USA).
ボストン日本人研究者交流会(Cambridge, MA, USA)にて講演「心臓幹細胞との出会い」
Presentation in English “MicroRNA-499 promotes the differentiation of cardiac progenitor cells into myocytes” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at New Orleans, LA, USA).
Presentation in English “Deregulation of microRNAs in the heart of c-kit-defective mice” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Orlando, FL, USA).
Poster presentation “Defects in the c-kit-SCF system have profound effects on myocardial gene expression” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Orlando, FL, USA).
Presentation in English “Human cardiac progenitor cells” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Chicago, IL, USA).
Presentation in English “The reconstitution of large coronary artery by cardiac stem cells is mediated by hypoxia” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Chicago, IL, USA).
Presentation in English “Human cardiac progenitor cells are multipotent and differentiate into myocytes and vascular cells in vivo” (title had been changed from the originally submitted “Human cardiac progenitor cells regenerate cardiomyocytes and coronary vessels repairing the infarcted heart” due to better findings) at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Chicago, IL, USA).
Presentation in English “Molecular phenotype of senescent myocytes” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Dallas, TX, USA).
東京大学 クリニカルバイオインフォマティクス研究ユニット主催の臨床医学概論シリーズ(文京区、東京)にて講演「感染症」(ケーブルテレビにて放映)
東京大学 クリニカルバイオインフォマティクス研究ユニット主催の臨床医学概論シリーズ(文京区、東京)にて講演「腎臓病と透析」 (ケーブルテレビにて放映)
Molecular Cardiovascular Conference (北海道)にて発表「A novel myocyte-specific gene Midori promotes the differentiation of P19CL6 cells into cardiomyocytes」
日本循環器学会学術集会(大阪)にて発表「Cloning of a novel gene which is expressed in the very early stage of cardiomyocyte differentiation」
Presentation in English “Cloning of a novel gene which is expressed in the very early stage of cardiomyocyte differentiation” at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (at Atlanta, GA, USA).
Molecular Cardiovascular Conference (北海道)にて発表「Cloning of a novel gene which is expressed in the very early stage of cardiomyocyte differentiation」


平成27年度 日本医療研究開発機構 再生医療実用化研究事業(二次公募) 研究代表者
平成27年度 車両競技公益資金記念財団 医療の基礎的、先駆的研究助成事業 研究代表者
平成25年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者
平成23年度日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 研究活動スタート支援 研究代表者
2009 R21HL094894-S1 (ARRA/NIH/NHLBI) Role: PI
Micro-RNA and Differentiation of Cardiac Progenitor Cells.
2008 R21HL094894 (NIH/NHLBI) Role: PI
Micro-RNA and Differentiation of Cardiac Progenitor Cells.
2008 P01HL092868 (NIH/NHLIBI) Role: Co-Investigator
Restructuring the Transplanted Heart (PI: Dr. Piero Anversa).
2007 R01HL065577 (NIH/NHLBI) Role: Co-Investigator
Bone Marrow and Cardiac Progenitor Cells in Cardiac Repair (PI: Dr. Annarosa Leri).