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紙谷 聡英 特任准教授


講演 [2014.5.29-30]
第87回日本組織培養学会(東京)にてシンポジウム招待講演 予定(紙谷


Ito K, Yanagida A, Okada K, Yamazaki Y, Nakauchi H, Kamiya A*. Mesenchymal progenitor cells in mouse fetal liver regulate differentiation and proliferation of hepatoblasts. Liver Int. 2013 in press. (*Corresponding Author)
Yanagida A, Ito K, Chikada H, Nakauchi H, Kamiya A*. An in vitro expansion system for generation of human iPS cell-derived hepatic progenitor-like cells exhibiting a bipotent differentiation potential. PLoS One, 8, e67541, 2013. (*Corresponding Author)
Kiyohashi K, Kakinuma S, Kamiya A, Sakamoto N, Nitta S, Yamanaka H, Yoshino K, Fijuki J, Murakawa M, Kusano-Kitazume A, Shimizu H, Okamoto R, Azuma S, Nakagawa M, Asahina Y, Tanimizu N, Kikuchi A, Nakauchi H, Watanabe M. Wnt5a signaling mediates biliary differentiation of fetal hepatic stem/progenitor cells. Hepatology, 57, 2502-13, 2013.
Oikawa T, Kamiya A*, Zeniya M, Chikada H, Hyuck AD, Yamazaki Y, Wauthier E, Tajiri H, Miller LD, Wang XW, Reid LM*, Nakauchi H*. Sal-like protein 4 (SALL4), a stem cell biomarker in liver cancers. Hepatology 57, 1469-83, 2013. (*Corresponding Authors)
Yamaguchi T, Hamanaka S, Kamiya A, Okabe M, Kawarai M, Wakiyama Y, Umino A, Hayama T, Sato H, Lee YS, Kato-Itoh M, Masaki H, Kobayashi T, Yamazaki S, Nakauchi H. Development of an All-in-One Inducible Lentiviral Vector for Gene Specific Analysis of Reprogramming. PLoS One. 7, e41007, 2012
Sekine K, Takebe T, Suzuki Y, Kamiya A, Nakauchi H, Taniguchi H. Highly efficient generation of definitive endoderm lineage from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Transplant Proc. 44, 1127-9, 2012.
Ito H, Kamiya A*, Ito K, Yanagida A, Okada K, Nakauchi H*. In vitro expansion and functional recovery of mature hepatocytes from mouse adult livers. Liver Int. 32, 592-601, 2012.
(*Corresponding Authors)
Nishimura S, Manabe I, Nagasaki M, Kakuta S, Iwakura Y, Takayama N, Ooehara J, Otsu M, Kamiya A, Petrich B, Urano T, Kadono T, Sato S, Aiba A, Yamashita H, Sugiura S, Kadowaki T, Nakauchi H, Eto K, Nagai R. In vivo imaging visualizes discoid platelet aggregations without endothelium disruption and implicates contribution of inflammatory cytokine and integrin signaling. Blood. 119, e45-56, 2012.
Okada K, Kamiya A*, Ito K, Yanagida A, Ito H, Kondou H, Nishina H, Nakauchi H*. Prospective isolation and characterization of bi-potent progenitor cells in early mouse liver development. Stem Cells Dev. 21, 1124-33, 2012.
(*Corresponding Authors)
Onozuka I, Kakinuma S, Kamiya A, Miyoshi M, Sakamoto N, Kiyohashi K, Watanabe T, Funaoka Y, Ueyama M, Nakagawa M, Koshikawa N, Seiki M, Nakauchi H, Watanabe M. Cholestatic liver fibrosis and toxin-induced fibrosis are exacerbated in matrix metalloproteinase-2 deficient mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 406, 134-40, 2011.
Chiba T, Seki A, Aoki R, Ichikawa H, Negishi M, Miyagi S, Oguro H, Saraya A, Kamiya A, Nakauchi H, Yokosuka O, Iwama A. Bmi1 promotes hepatic stem cell expansion and tumorigenicity in both Ink4a/Arf-dependent and independent manners. Hepatology 52, 1111-1123, 2010.
Kamiya A*, Kakinuma S, Yamazaki Y, Nakauchi H*. Enrichment and clonal culture of progenitor cells during mouse postnatal liver development in mice. Gastroenterology 137, 1114-1126, 2009.
(*Corresponding Authors)
Kakinuma S, Ohta H, Kamiya A, Yamazaki Y, Oikawa T, Okada K, Nakauchi H. Analyses of cell surface molecules on hepatic stem/progenitor cells in mouse fetal liver. J Hepatol. 51, 127-138, 2009.
Oikawa T, Kamiya A*, Kakinuma S, Zeniya M, Nishinakamura R, Tajiri H, Nakauchi H*. Sall4 Regulates Cell Fate Decision in Fetal Hepatic Stem/Progenitor Cells. Gastroenterology 136, 1000-1011, 2009.
(*Corresponding Authors)
Kamiya A*, Kakinuma S, Onodera M, Miyajima A, Nakauchi H*. Prospero-related homeobox 1 and liver receptor homolog 1 coordinately regulate long-term proliferation of murine fetal hepatoblasts. Hepatology 48, 252-64, 2008.
(*Corresponding Authors)
Eto K, Nishikii H, Ogaeri T, Suetsugu S, Kamiya A, Kobayashi T, Yamazaki D, Oda A, Takenawa T, Nakauchi H. The WAVE2/Abi1 complex differentially regulates megakaryocyte development and spreading: implications for platelet biogenesis and spreading machinery. Blood 110, 3637-47, 2007.
Barbier O, Girard H, Inoue Y, Duez H, Villeneuve L, Kamiya A, Fruchart JC, Guillemette C, Gonzalez FJ and Staels B. Hepatic expression of the UGT1A9 is governed by HNF4alpha. Mol. Pharm. 67, 241-249, 2005.
Kamiya A, Inoue Y, Kodama T and Gonzalez FJ. Hepatocyte nuclear factors 1alpha and 4alpha control expression of proline oxidase in adult liver. FEBS Lett. 578, 63-68, 2004.
Kamiya A and Gonzalez FJ. Tumor necrosis factor-a regulates mouse fetal hepatic maturation induced by oncostatin M and extracellular matrices. Hepatology 40, 527-536, 2004.
Kamiya A, Inoue Y and Gonzalez FJ. Role of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha in control of the pregnane X receptor during fetal liver development. Hepatology 37, 1375-1384, 2003.
Anzai H, Kamiya A, Shirato H, Takeuchi T and Miyajima A. Impaired differentiation of fetal hepatocytes in homozygous jumonji mice, Mech. Dev. 120, 791-800, 2003.
Matsui T, Kinoshita T, Morikawa Y, Tohya K, Katsuki M, Ito Y, Kamiya A and Miyajima A. K-Ras mediates cytokine-induced formation of E-cadherin-based adherens junctions during liver development. EMBO J. 21, 1021-1030, 2002.
Kamiya A, Kojima N, Kinoshita T, Sakai Y and Miyajima A. Maturation of fetal hepatocytes in vitro by extracellular matrices and oncostatin M: Induction of tryptophan oxygenase. Hepatology 35, 1351-1359, 2002.
Kamiya A, Kinoshita T and Miyajima A. Oncostatin M and hepatocyte growth factor induce hepatic maturation via distinct signaling pathways. FEBS Lett. 492, 90-94, 2001.
Ito Y, Matsui T, Kamiya A, Kinoshita T and Miyajima A. Retroviral gene transfer of signaling molecules into murine fetal hepatocytes defines distinct roles for the STAT3 and ras pathways during hepatic development. Hepatology 32, 1370-1376, 2000.
Kinoshita T, Sekiguchi T, Xu MJ, Ito Y, Kamiya A, Tsuji K, Nakahata T and Miyajima A. Hepatic differentiation induced by oncostatin M attenuates fetal liver hematopoiesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96, 7265-7270, 1999.
Kamiya A, Kinoshita T, Ito Y, Matsui T, Morikawa Y, Senba E, Nakashima K, Taga T, Yoshida K, Kishimoto T and Miyajima A. Fetal liver development requires a paracrine action of oncostatin M through the gp130 signal transducer. EMBO J. 18, 2127-2136, 1999.


「肝細胞移植を用いた肝疾患の治療」 細胞, 2013, 45, 314-317
「ヒト多能性幹細胞からの肝幹・前駆細胞分化誘導系の構築」 消化器内科, 2013, 56, 316-323
「発生過程・成体における肝幹・前駆細胞の分化誘導の分子メカニズム」 肝胆膵, 2012, 65, 29-35.
Kamiya A, Miyajima A. Mice with artificial human liver. Hepatology. 55, 974-976, 2012.
Chiba T, Kamiya A, Yokosuka O, Iwama A. Cancer stem cell in hepatocellular carcinoma: Recent progress and perspective. Cancer Lett. 286, 145-153, 2009.
「発生過程・成体における多能性幹細胞および肝幹細胞」 肝胆膵, 2008, 57, 347-353.
Kamiya A, Gonzalez FJ and Nakauchi H. Identification and differentiation of hepatic stem cells during liver development. Front Biosci. 11, 1302-1310, 2006.
「初代培養系による肝臓の発生分化」 外科, 2001, 63, 563-570.
Miyajima A, Kinoshita T, Tanaka M, Kamiya A, Mukouyama Y, Hara T. Role of Oncostatin M in hematopoiesis and liver development. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 11, 177-183, 2000.
「サイトカインによる細胞死の制御機構」 実験医学, 1998, 16, 495-500.


紙谷聡英近田裕美 「肝臓の再生医療に向けた幹細胞研究の進展」 
In The Frontiers in Life Sciences “幹細胞研究と再生医療“ (中内博光 編),183-191, 2013.
Kamiya A, Nakauchi H. Enrichment and clonal culture of hepatic stem/progenitor cells during mouse liver development.
In Methods Mol Biol. “Epithelial Cell Culture Protocols.” (edited by Randell SH and Fulcher ML.) 2013;945:273-86. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-125-7_16


「Establishment of culture system for analyses of biliary tract diseases using pluripotent stem cells」
第11回Annual Meeting of International Society for Stem Cell Research(Boston)にてポスター発表(近田
がん支援 冬期公開シンポジウム(東京)にてポスター発表
第35回日本分子生物学会(福岡)にてワークショップ招待講演予定 「An in vitro expansion system in generating purified hepatic stem/progenitor-like cells derived from human iPS cells.」
第11回 日本再生医療学会(横浜) ランチョンセミナーにて招待講演
第10回Annual Meeting of International Society for Stem Cell Research(横浜)にてポスター発表
「MEK activity regulates stem/progenitoer potential of fetal hepatoblasts through induction of cell cycle arrest」
東北大Global COE “Network Medicine” 主催セミナー(仙台)にて招待講演
第48回 日本肝臓学会総会(金沢)にて口頭発表
第8回 肝免疫・ウイルス・フロンティア(東京)にて招待講演


平成25-26年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究 研究代表者
平成24-25年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究
「上皮管腔組織形成」 公募研究 研究代表者
平成23-25年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 若手研究(A) 研究代表者
平成24-25年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究
「上皮管腔組織形成」 公募研究 研究代表者
平成23-25年度 厚生労働省科学研究費補助金 若手育成型 研究代表者